During sorority recruitment, Sally is at Delta Nu. She notices that every member she talks to is just like her. The first member is from the same hometown. The second member loves going to 30A too. The third member went on a vacation to France over the summer too. How weird!?!
When Sally leaves Delta Nu, she is obsessed with them. She felt she was talking to her best friends and could see herself as a member.
At the beginning of the next round, she gets her invitational schedule. She is only searching for one sorority — Delta Nu. When she sees it on her schedule, she is SO excited to meet more members.
During her conversations, the members she met last round come up to welcome her back. They tell her they are so excited to see her. Again, she has incredible conversations and feels like she is talking to her best friends.
As the week continues, she is more impressed with Delta Nu. It is her #1 sorority, and she cannot wait to be a member.
Why did Delta Nu impress Sally? Why did she always feel like she was talking to her best friends?
The sororities spend months studying and pre-screening potential new members. Their goal is to find potential new members similar to current members. Once they find these women, they pair them to talk to members who are good fits [have things in common]. The conversations Sally had about her hometown, 30A, and France were not random. The recruitment team paired members who had similar experiences to her. That way, Sally could connect with them and see herself there.
How did the sorority know where she was from, that she vacations in 30A, and that she went to France? Can you guess?
Everyone is not placed on an equal playing field for Round 1. The sororities are pre-screening potential new members. All sororities have to drop a percentage of potential new members after Round 1. This percentage is different for each sorority. The most competitive sororities drop the largest percentage (around 65% to 70% of ALL potential new members).
How do you get your name out there?
You want to use a prepping plan that allows members to know your name and be excited to meet you. That is what you want, right?
The benefit of being public on Instagram
On the first night of The Bachelor, the contestants get out of a limo and introduce themselves. Their goal is to get the First Impression Rose. This rose will keep them safe and allow them to make it to the next day.
Imagine you are watching the show. You are sitting on the couch with your friend, mom, or sister. The host introduces the first contestant. Her life story is heartwarming. She seems like she is the PERFECT fit for the bachelor. She gets out of the limo she beelines to him, say, “Hi my name is Sam” and walks into the house. You think, “Umm, that is an odd introduction. She must have been nervous?”
Then, the host introduces the second contestant, Brooke. Again, her life story paints her as a kind, genuine woman. You are rooting for her. She gets out of the limo. Her hair is blowing in the wind. She walks up to the bachelor. She says, “Hi my name is Brooke. I am so excited to meet you! How has your night been?” They have a two-minute genuine conversation. At the end of the conversation, she says, “When you get inside, I would love to continue to talk to you. Come find me.”
Who do you think he picks for the First Impression Rose?
Sam, who just said her name and storms inside, or Brooke, who formed a connection and told him she wanted to continue to talk.
Brooke right? First impressions matter. It is the first time someone is getting to see who you are. During sorority recruitment, first impressions matter as well.
When is your first impression during sorority recruitment? When you walk into the sorority and introduce yourself?
No! Your first impression happens BEFORE sorority recruitment starts. I know it is crazy!
Let’s talk a little bit about the behind-the-scenes of sorority recruitment. Each sorority has a recruitment team. One of its jobs is to study potential new members before Round 1. Do you know what this means? Everyone is not placed on an equal playing field for Round 1.
Here is where your first strategy comes into play -- your prepping for sorority recruitment strategy. Since the sororities vet potential new members before sorority recruitment starts, you need to get on the sororities’ radar. You need to get your name out there. Your prepping strategy should answer, “What actions do I need to take for members to know my name?”
One part of the prepping strategy we use in CRUSH [sorority recruitment coaching] is using Instagram strategically. Step #1 of this strategy is to GO PUBLIC on Instagram.
Why do to go public on Instagram?
Imagine you want to work at TikTok. It is your DREAM job. You decide to put yourself out there and see if they will over your a job. You drive to the office and listen to your favorite music. When you get to the office, your nerves start to take over. You think about backing out. Then, you say, "This is my dream job. Go in and give them your resume." The first person you see you hand your resume, say, “Hi my name is Sam” and leave.
Do you think you will get the job?
Probably not. Your resume might be going in the trash or on a desk with other papers.
More importantly, how are you going to feel? How does it feel to wait and seem like something is out of control?
It sucks. You feel like you are putting your life on hold for one thing or wasting your time.
Instead of winging your first impression for your dream job, you want to go into the job process strategically. You want to sit down and think about what you need to do to get the job.
Do you need to create a new resume that highlights your skills and experiences? Yes
Do you need to network with current employers? It will help you get the job and know insider information.
Do you need to gain new skills? Yes! You want to understand how to communicate that you are the best candidate for the job.
Once you can see the process clearly, you can create an actionable plan full of strategies. Now, you know you are not wasting your time because you are doing everything you need to do to get your dream job. Then, when you get an email asking if you are available for an interview, how do feel?
You are going to feel amazing! You are so proud of yourself because your work has paid off!
The same idea applies to sorority recruitment. Your end goal is to get a bid to a sorority you love. If you wing sorority recruitment and do not have a plan, you might be disappointed when you get your Round 2 schedule.
We know that the recruitment teams look at potential new members’ Instagram accounts. If your Instagram is private, they learn NOTHING about you. It does not help you get your name out there. Now, if your Instagram is PUBLIC, they can learn about who you are, what you like to do, etc. It is like an interactive social resume. Your Instagram could lead to you getting paired to talk to a member who is very similar to you. She will walk away from the conversation and say, “Wow! I wish I could have continued to talk to her! She is my favorite potential new member from the day! I am going to give her the best score and tell my friends about her."
One of my past clients was an out-of-state student, and she was going through sorority recruitment at a competitive SEC college. Before sorority recruitment, she was worried that she was not prepared enough to go through sorority recruitment and get a bid to a sorority she liked. When we created her prepping strategy, we decided to take advantage of Instagram.
In the months leading up to recruitment, members started to follow her. Recruitment Chairs started to have contact with her. Rather than getting nervous about sorority recruitment, she was excited. During Round 2, she maxed out and dropped sororities, Round after round, she kept getting invited back to sorority she LOVED and had many options. She ended up joining her favorite sorority.
If you need help creating a custom prepping strategy for sorority recruitment, I encourage you to apply to CRUSH [sorority recruitment coaching]. This program allows potential new members to walk into sorority recruitment standing out, have options, and run home to a sorority you love.
In Invisible Influence by Jonah Berger, he explains why we are drawn to similar people through the following situations. Imagine you are at a party with your best friend. Once you get inside, she says, “Everyone here is so nice. Go up and talk to someone. I am going to go to the bathroom.” You do not want to appear unsocial in the corner on your phone. You have seconds to decide which group you want to go and talk to. There are three groups:
Group one: Two individuals wearing all black. Black shirt, black pants, black hat, and black shoes.
Group two: Two individuals dressed in hiking gear.
Group three: Two individuals who are dress identical to you.
Who will you pick to talk to?
Most likely, you pick group three – the group that looks just like you.
Why do you talk to them over the other groups?
When you have to make a decision quickly, you look for similarities. You can assume if they dress like me, we [most likely] have other things in common too.
The same idea applies to sorority recruitment. When the members look at your Instagram account, they do not make rational, long-thought-out decisions. They look at your account for a couple of minutes. First, they look to see if you are similar to them. Then, they look for red flags. When a member comes to your account, you want to make it an easy yes for them! “Yes! She is just like us! Her photos are similar! Her friends look like us!”
In The Ultimate Guide to Sorority Recruitment, you learn a four step process to help you know what to post and how to come off as similar to the members.
Click here to get the ebook version
Click here to get your copy on Amazon
Sorority members are looking for new members that are:
Social (have friends and are friendly, not drinking and partying)
Able to fit in with the sorority
Able to connect with current members
How can you use Instagram to show these qualities?
Since the members are looking at your social media, you want to think of it as your FIRST impression. It is like an interactive social resume. You want to use your social media as a personal branding tool and a way to allow the members to get to know you.
When you depend on Youtube and TikTok for advice, you prepare like everyone else. When you look like everyone else, you do not stand out. If a sorority can only invite back 30% of all PNMs, how will you show them that you deserve to be in the top 30%?
Instead of using advice and being the Overlooked Potential New Member, you want to use a step-by-step plan to gain Rush Crush status -- stand out, have options, and run home to a sorority you love. Click the video below to see how CRUSH [sorority recruitment coaching] can help you create and implement your plan.
You have a math test in two weeks that is worth 90% of your grade for the class. You want to get an A. You are looking for guidance on how to get your A.
First, you ask a friend, not in your math class, “How do I get an A+ on my test?” She says, “You need to study.” This answer leaves you frustrated.
Then, you ask your teacher, “How do I get an A+ on my test?” She gives you a step-by-step plan.
Who was more helpful?
Your teacher, right?
To get an A, you need to know the right information and have a step-by-step plan.
To get a bid to a sorority you love, you have to communicate you are the right fit for the sorority before and during sorority recruitment. A step-by-step plan tells you how and when to communicate.
BUT… why do so many women going through sorority recruitment ONLY use the advice they find on Youtube and TikTok? Does it help them stand out and get a bid?
Click the video below to see how The Ultimate Guide to Sorority Recruitment can help you create and implement your plan.