As Sam the Overlooked Potential New Member prepares for sorority recruitment, she looks at her college’s Panhellenic website. She scrolls through the different pages looking for advice and a step-by-step plan to get her bid. With each page, she learns some requirements and leaves with more questions.
“It says recommendation letters are optional. Do I need recommendation letters? Will they help me?”
“How do I stand out?”
“What are members looking for in a new member?”
“What questions will the members ask me?”
I encourage you look on your Panhellenic website and see if you can find the answer to these questions.
Next, she turns to TikTok, YouTube, and Google to get advice and answers. Have you done this too?
When Sam gets her invitational schedule for Round 2, she expects to be invited back to the maximum number of sororities, 10. She was only invited to 5. You can imagine how devastated she is to only be invited back to 5 sororities. She is panicking.
Why did she not get invited back to 10 sororities? Why did so many of the sororities drop her
The information she used from TikTok, YouTube, and Google was ADVICE.
Did the advice talk about Release Figure Methodology and how some sororities DROP 70% of ALL potential new members after Round 1?
Did the advice talk about how to create a social resume that is specific to your accomplishments and not from Etsy?
Did the advice talk about how to get the members’ attention before sorority recruitment starts?
Did the advice talk about how to stand out in your conversations and leave the members wanting to speak to you again?
When you depend on Youtube, Google, and TikTok, you prepare like everyone else. You look like everyone else. When you look like everyone else, you do not stand out.
ADVICE WILL NOT GET YOU A BID. Many times, the advice women get is outdated, not relevant, or too general. When you use advice for sorority recruitment, it is like asking a friend, not in your math class, “How do I get an A+ on my test?” Your friend says, “You need to study.” This answer leaves you frustrated, and you think, “What do I need to study? Do I need to go over the practice problems? Should I re-read my notes or focus on the study guide?”
If you asked your teacher, “How do I get an A+ on my test?” She would give you a step-by-step plan.
#1. Come to class and listen.
#2. Ask questions when we are doing practice problems.
#3. Each night spend 5 minutes reviewing the practice problems.
#4. Fill out the study guide. It will be very similar to the test.
To get an A+, you needed to talk to the right person. You need to know the right information and have a plan. To get a bid to a sorority you love, you have to communicate you are the right fit for the sorority before and during sorority recruitment. A step-by-step plan tells you how and when to communicate. Then, you need to implement your plan and practice small talk.
Let’s create your step-by-step plan!
Why is creating a plan for sorority recruitment important?
At Round 1, you meet all of the sororities on your campus. Then, you vote on the sororities. You select the sororities you want to go to for Round 2, and the sororities you do not want to visit. For example, let’s look at Indiana University. You select 16 sororities you want to visit for Round 2 and 6 sororities you do not want to visit.
Most assume they will be invited back to the maximum number of sororities [for this example, 16]. Most are NOT invited back to 16 sororities. Most are invited back to 5 to 12 sororities. To be invited back to a sorority, the sorority INVITES you back.
Why are so many women not invited back to 16 sororities or the 16 sororities they want?
Many potential new members spend weeks focusing ONLY on the material aspects of sorority recruitment – what to wear, makeup, hair, the color of their social resume, etc. It seems like the material things help you stand out and get a great score. However, the color of your social resume, a recruitment packet, a Cartier LOVE bracelet, and Golden Goose sneakers will not get a bid. To get a bid to a sorority you love, you have to communicate you are the right fit. You have to communicate BEFORE and DURING sorority recruitment. To know how and when to communicate, you want to use the CRUSH Method to gain Rush Crush Status.
If you want to use the CRUSH Method to get your bid, check out The Ultimate Guide to Sorority Recruitment. In this book, you use a five step process to receive your bid.
Click here to get the ebook version
Click here to get your copy on Amazon
How sororities invite back potential new members
During sorority recruitment, each sorority has to use Release Figure Methodology [RFM]. It is a mathematical model to determine the number of invitations a sorority can extend to in a round.
Here is how RFM works
If most potential new members vote to keep a sorority, Panhellenic requires them to drop more potential new members. This percentage can be as high as 70%. If we look at Indiana University, around 1,800 women participate in sorority recruitment each year. The most competitive and popular sororities drop around 70% after Round 1. They invite back around 540 potential new members to Round 2. RFM is similar to a popularity contest. If a sorority is very liked on campus, it will drop at a high rate after Round 1. If a sorority is not liked on campus, it will drop at a low rate after Round 1.
What does all of this mean?
Everyone is not placed on an equal playing field for Round 1. The sororities are pre-screening potential new members — looking at GPA, Instagram, etc.
How do you get your name out there?
You cannot rely on a 4.0 GPA to get a bid. GPAs are important, but many times a 3.5 is just as good as a 4.0 during sorority recruitment.
You cannot rely on legacy status. For many sororities, you are not guaranteed a bid as a legacy.
When you use a strategy, the members know your name and are excited to meet you. That is what you want, right?
Since the sororities vet potential new members before sorority recruitment starts, you need to get on each sorority’s radar. (You have to get your name out there.) Your prepping strategy should answer, “What actions do I need to take for members to know my name?”
Here is part of the checklist we use in CRUSH [sorority recruitment coaching].
#1. Create your social resume
If you need recommendation letters, you have to create a social resume.
Why do you need a social resume?
We have taken a difficult math test and wished we had an answer key. It can be hard to memorize all the formulas, concepts, and steps.
When you ask a woman to fill out a recommendation letter without a social resume, it feels like they are taking a difficult math test without the answer key. The recommendation letter asks specific questions about you. Many times they do not know the answer. If she does not know the answers,
She may call you or email you constantly to figure them out.
She might guess and get it incorrect. Now, you talk to members who are very different than you. It is hard to connect when you have nothing in common. If you do not connect, you are most likely not going to be invited back.
It is too much work to contact you, so she never fills it out.
You want to make this process as easy as possible for the woman. When you give her your social resume, you give her the answer key to what you want her to write about you. You give her all of the information she will need and share what you want to talk about during sorority recruitment.
Do you need help creating your social resume?
In The Ultimate Guide to Sorority Recruitment, you receive a step-by-step guide to create your social resume and an example. This guide helps you get the right information on your recommendation letter. This information is based on information pulled directly from the different Panhellenic sororities’ recommendation letters.
Click here to get the ebook version
Click here to get your copy on Amazon
Editable and customizable social resume templates.
#2. get recommendation letters (if your college encourages you to get them)
What is a recommendation letter? How does the recruitment team use recommendation letters?
A recommendation letter is similar to a job application form. It is a form that an alumna [some sororities allow members] fills out about you. This form asks for specific information about your GPA, involvement, volunteer work, hobbies & interests, legacy information, etc. It is similar to the form you fill out at registration.
The recruitment team for each sorority uses your recommendation letter to collect information on you and as a way to learn more about you. Then, they use this information to see if you are a good fit for the sorority and to pick who you should talk to during sorority recruitment.
Does everyone need recommendation letters?
Not all colleges encourage recommendation letters. All colleges and sororities accept recommendation letters. You will NOT be penalized for having one.
How do you know if you need them?
You need to be a detective. Go to your Panhellenic website and look through all of the pages. If you see a list of addresses or how to send in recommendation letters, you need these. These addresses might be located in the sorority recruitment booklet or in the FAQ section.
To find your Panhellenic website, Google “sorority recruitment at [insert college name].
Example: “sorority recruitment at Florida State University”
How to send recommendation letters
STEP #1. Create a social resume and find a headshot you want to use
STEP #2. Create cover letters
STEP #3. Decide how you want your recommendation letters sent in -- by mail or online.
How to decide how to send in each recommendation letter
Step A. See if your Panhellenic website has information (email, online through the National sorority’s website, or through the mail)
Step B. If no information was given, the woman writing your recommendation letters uses her sorority’s national website to submit a recommendation letter
STEP #4. Find women to write your recommendation letters
STEP #5. Send each woman your information -- social resume, headshot, and packet (if necessary)
STEP #6. Send thank you card or email
You will want to start this process sooner rather than later. It can be difficult to find recommendation letters for some sororities.
Click here to learn all about recommendation letters.
How to Register
The easiest way is to Google “Panhellenic sorority recruitment at insert your college name”. Then, you are directed to your college’s Panhellenic website. There you can find all the information about sorority recruitment, information about the sororities on your campus, and registration information.
When you register, you need to supply some information about yourself. This information helps the sororities get to know you better and see if you are a good fit. You will need to give:
Your GPA
Activities you did in high school or college (If you are a junior, only include activities from college.)
Possibly, your ACT/ SAT scores
Emergency contact information
Parent/ Guardian information
A picture of yourself
Legacy information (Want to know if you are a legacy? Click HERE.)
For some colleges, your introduction video and short answers
#3. Clean up your social media
During sorority recruitment, Sally is at Delta Nu. She notices that every member she talks to is just like her. The first member is from the same hometown. The second member loves going to 30A too. The third member went on a vacation to France over the summer too. How weird!?!
When Sally leaves Delta Nu, she is obsessed with them. She felt she was talking to her best friends and could see herself as a member.
At the beginning of the next round, she gets her invitational schedule. She is only searching for one sorority — Delta Nu. When she sees it on her schedule, she is SO excited to meet more members.
During her conversations, the members she met last round come up to welcome her back. They tell her they are so excited to see her. Again, she has incredible conversations and feels like she is talking to her best friends.
As the week continues, she is more impressed with Delta Nu. It is her #1 sorority, and she cannot wait to be a member.
Why did Delta Nu impress Sally? Why did she always feel like she was talking to her best friends?
The sororities spend months studying and pre-screening potential new members. Their goal is to find potential new members similar to current members. Once they find these women, they pair them to talk to members who are good fits [have things in common]. The conversations Sally had about her hometown, 30A, and France were not random. The recruitment team paired members who had similar experiences to her. That way, Sally could connect with them and see herself there.
How did the sorority know where she was from, that she vacations in 30A, and that she went to France? Can you guess?
What did Sally do before sorority recruitment started to get the members’ attention?
In CRUSH [sorority recruitment coaching], one part of the prepping plan is to GO PUBLIC on Instagram, use it as a branding tool, and delete all red flags.
Are you thinking, “If my account is private, I don’t have to do any of this”?
Having a public account does not hurt your chances of receiving a bid. The members are not on social media looking to drop potential new members. They want to see who you are, your passions, and how you spend your time. They want to see the REAL you, not the drafted recommendation letters.
In Invisible Influence by Jonah Berger, he explains why we are drawn to similar people through the following situations. Imagine you are at a party with your best friend. Once you get inside, she says, “Everyone here is so nice. Go up and talk to someone. I am going to go to the bathroom.” You do not want to appear unsocial in the corner on your phone. You have seconds to decide which group you want to go and talk to. There are three groups:
Group one: Two individuals wearing all black. Black shirt, black pants, black hat, and black shoes.
Group two: Two individuals dressed in hiking gear.
Group three: Two individuals who are dress identical to you.
Who will you pick to talk to?
Most likely, you pick group three – the group that looks just like you.
Why do you talk to them over the other groups?
When you have to make a decision quickly, you look for similarities. You can assume if they dress like me, we [most likely] have other things in common too.
The same idea applies to sorority recruitment. When the members look at your Instagram account, they do not make rational, long-thought-out decisions. They look at your account for a couple of minutes. First, they look to see if you are similar to them. Then, they look for red flags. When a member comes to your account, you want to make it an easy yes for them! “Yes! She is just like us! Her photos are similar! Her friends look like us!”
In The Ultimate Guide to Sorority Recruitment, you learn a four step process to help you know what to post and how to come off as similar to the members.
Click here to get the ebook version
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Red flags are indicators of a standard concern – anything that paints you in a bad light or the members think you would not meet their social standards. The main red flags are photos, videos, comments, or posts:
Drinking, holding a red solo cup at a tailgate, holding alcohol, drinking abroad, or clearly drunk
Smoking and drug use
Naked photos [bikini pictures are fine]
These red flags apply to ALL social media, your stories, TikTok, and the link bio. You want to go through your social media and delete all red flags immediately.
#1. Pick out your outfits
A lot of potential new members obsess over their outfits. They think their outfits help them get a bid and stand out. I want to let you in on a secret. Your outfits do not play a major role in your score during sorority recruitment. Wearing a Gucci belt, Golden Goose sneakers, or a Cartier LOVE bracelet will not help you get a bid.
When you pick out your outfits, you do not want to wear something different to stand out. For example, if everyone wears skirts, you do not want to be the one woman wearing jeans. When picking out your outfits, your goal is to dress similarly to the members.
STEP #1. Look at your college's Panhellenic website to see if there is an outfit guide.
The guide needs to be from the year you are going through sorority recruitment OR the year before.
STEP #2. Find several sororities that you think would be good fits for you based on their Instagram photos.
STEP #3. What are the members wearing?
STEP #4. Plan your outfits. What are you going to wear for each round?
You can pull things from your closet or buy new things.
#2. plan your hair and makeup
How are you going to do your makeup?
Are you going to straighten, curl, or leave your hair natural?
Is there anything you need? A new foundation, setting spray, hairspray, purse, oil blotting sheets, hair ties….
#3. Pack an emergency kit
What should you bring to sorority recruitment? What are the essentials?
When you pack your bag for sorority recruitment, the goal is to pack things you will actually use. Pack things that will make your look and feel your best.
You do not need to back a million things in your bags. You only need the essentials. It is important to think about the structure of recruitment.
How far are the houses from one another? Will you need to run? You will not know your schedule until the morning of the round. Look to see how far each house is from one another.
Is there a bus you have to take?
What is the weather going to be like? Hot? Cold? Rainy? Snow?
How long are the days? See if there is a schedule.
Can you go back to your dorm or apartment?
Is lunch provided?
Take everything into consideration before packing your bag.
Just an FYI: At some colleges, you are provided a bag or Ziploc to use. Make sure to check your Panhellenic website to see if you can bring a purse or if they supply a bag.If they supply a bag, you do not need to go out and find a purse.
If you bring a purse into the sorority, make sure the bag is not too big. It should be a size of a small cross body bag.
If you are not bringing a purse into the sorority, you can bring a backpack or a large bag.
Just an FYI: At some colleges, you are provided a bag or Ziploc to use. Make sure to check your Panhellenic website to see if you can bring a purse or if they supply a bag.If they supply a bag, you do not need to go out and find a purse.
If you bring a purse into the sorority, make sure the bag is not too big. It should be a size of a small cross body bag.
DO NOT BRING GUM. The members do not want you chomping on your gum.
Hairbrush or Comb
Touch up makeup
In a small makeup bag, you want to pack the essential you will need to touch up your makeup.
Lipstick, chapstick, or lip gloss
Oil sheets or coffee filters [Coffee filters work the same as oil sheet :) ]
Hair ties
Roll on perfume or an essential oil
If you meet sororities for ten hours, your makeup will wear off throughout the day. You want to look your best and present yourself the same throughout the day. Carry touch up makeup in your purse.
You need to bring just the essentials. Don’t bring all your makeup with you.
Another pro tip is to set your makeup with a spray and use hairspray. The spray helps your makeup to last longer. Also, use a primer. If you have never used a primer before it is a game-changer. My favorite primer is by Smashbox.
Many colleges do not provide meals for you throughout sorority recruitment. You may only have twenty minutes to get to your next sorority. Most likely, you will not have time to grab lunch because you have to be at the house early. In this case, you need to bring a snack.
When I recruited for my sorority, I asked potential new members, “How has your day been so far?” Some responded with, “I am so hungry.” Throughout the conversation, I could tell they were not hungry. They were HANGRY. They would complain about everything and came off very negative.
When I went to score them, I did not give them a great score.
Why did I not give them a great score?
My first impression of them was they were negative. My sorority was made up of women who loved to spend time with one another and had fun. A woman complaining about everything would not fit into the sorority culture.
Your first impression matters. You want to make sure you show up as the best version of yourself throughout sorority recruitment. Bring a snack :)
For your snack, you want to bring something small and would keep you full. A candy bar might sound delicious, but you will be hungry in twenty minutes. When packing your snack, ask yourself, “What will keep me full the longest?” My go-to's are the Quest protein bars.
Trust me. You will want to pack these.
Portable Charger
You most likely will be voting on your phone, and your phone has your schedule on it. Plus, if you have downtime, you can follow all the amazing potential new members you meet on Instagram.
Also, I highly encourage you to take notes on your conversations. These notes help you vote after the round. The best place to take these notes is on your phone.
If you do not have a portable charger, you can bring a charger. However, it might be difficult to find an outlet.
The first round is really long. You are on your feet all day. You talk all day. You smile all day. And… it is exhausting. I remember not even eating dinner because I was so tired. I would walk into my dorm room and just fall asleep.
You may want to consider bringing some caffeine with you. In the morning you will have a ton of energy. By the end of the day, you might be dragging. A little bit of caffeine will really help!
Red Bull might be hard to carry because you would have to chug it, and that sounds a little dangerous.
Bring something you can easily put in your purse. You cannot hold any kind of cup/ drink inside the sorority. However, you can bring a water bottle with you. Just make sure you keep it in your purse!
#4. Look over the most asked questions
Most of your score is based on the conversations you are having with the members.
So… how do you get a good score?
It all comes down to:
Sharing your story
Opening up
Standing out
Letting your personality shine
Sounds easy enough, right?
It can be, but you need to know how to do it. When looking at these questions, DO NOT script your perfect answer. The members see past that.
Remember. The members are looking for FRIENDS, not the perfect new member.
In The Ultimate Guide to Sorority Recruitment, you learn how to have unique conversations with the members, plan out your answers (with a simple formula), and know what the members are looking for in a new member. This information will allow you to make genuine connections with the members, stand out, and have options. When you have options, you join the sorority that is the best fit for you.
Click here to get the ebook version
Click here to get your copy on Amazon
#1. Read over your school’s Panhellenic guide/ recruitment guide
After reading this guide, you will get a feel for the process of sorority recruitment and the sororities. MAKE SURE to keep an open mind while you are reading the guide.
Is there anything you need? Index cards, specific outfits...
#2. Get your nails done
Treat yourself, and go get your nails done! You deserve it!
A prepping strategy helps the recruitment team and members know your name. The goal of your strategy is to have the sororities excited to meet you and talk about you before sorority recruitment starts. If you have members talking about you, it can help you get invited back to Round 2.
Once Round 2 starts, everyone who was invited back is placed on a much more even playing field. You want to use your conversations to stand out.
The links above are affiliate links.
When you depend on Youtube and TikTok for advice, you prepare like everyone else. When you look like everyone else, you do not stand out. If a sorority can only invite back 30% of all PNMs, how will you show them that you deserve to be in the top 30%?
Instead of using advice and being the Overlooked Potential New Member, you want to use a step-by-step plan to gain Rush Crush status -- stand out, have options, and run home to a sorority you love. Click the video below to see how CRUSH can help you create and implement your plan.
You have a math test in two weeks that is worth 90% of your grade for the class. You want to get an A. You are looking for guidance on how to get your A.
First, you ask a friend, not in your math class, “How do I get an A+ on my test?” She says, “You need to study.” This answer leaves you frustrated.
Then, you ask your teacher, “How do I get an A+ on my test?” She gives you a step-by-step plan.
Who was more helpful?
Your teacher, right?
To get an A, you need to know the right information and have a step-by-step plan.
To get a bid to a sorority you love, you have to communicate you are the right fit for the sorority before and during sorority recruitment. A step-by-step plan tells you how and when to communicate.
BUT… why do so many women going through sorority recruitment ONLY use the advice they find on Youtube and TikTok? Does it help them stand out and get a bid?
Click the video below to see how The Ultimate Guide to Sorority Recruitment can help you create and implement your plan.
Make it stand out